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1. What is self-discovery coaching with Sandy Bartlett?

Self-discovery coaching is a supportive and transformative process designed to help you deeply understand your true self, encompassing self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-love. It empowers you to make informed and authentic decisions for a fulfilling life.

2. How can I benefit from self-discovery coaching?

Coaching offers many benefits, such as increased self-awareness, improved self-talk, deeper self-compassion, and enhanced self-esteem, which collectively contribute to more fulfilling relationships and a clearer sense of purpose.

3. What can I expect in a coaching session?

Expect a supportive space where we explore your thoughts and feelings using personalized tools and techniques to foster growth, clarity, and resilience. We'll focus on what you want to achieve and navigate the journey together.

4. How long is a typical coaching engagement?

The length of our coaching journey will be tailored to your individual goals. Typically, clients experience significant progress within 3 to 6 months, but we'll work at a pace that feels right for you.

5. Do I have to be in Arizona to receive coaching?

Not at all! My coaching services are virtual, accessible from anywhere, and scheduled at times convenient for you via Zoom.

6. What if I’m unsure about starting coaching?

Feeling unsure is natural. I offer a no-pressure initial consultation to discuss your goals and see if we're a good fit, allowing you to make an informed decision about proceeding.

7. How is coaching different from therapy?

Coaching focuses on personal development and setting goals for the future, whereas therapy often addresses healing from the past. As your coach, I’ll guide you towards achieving your future aspirations.

8. What qualifications do you have as a coach?

I am a certified coach in health, life, transformational, and mastery coaching. My expertise is enriched with skills and additional certifications in tapping (EFT), pendulum dowsing, tarot, and I am a Reiki Master/Teacher. Committed to lifelong learning and growth, I continuously pursue education to enhance the support and guidance I offer. This diverse background equips me to facilitate your journey to self-discovery and personal mastery in a holistic way that resonates deeply and personally with you.

9. How can I book a session?

Booking a session is easy through my website. Select a time that suits you, and I'll send you all the details to get started on your self-discovery journey.

10. How should I prepare for our sessions?

Come as you are, but be ready to engage fully. Being open, honest, and willing to delve into your desires and challenges is key. Your commitment to the process enriches our work together.

11. What if the program isn’t right for me?

Your satisfaction is crucial. If you feel the program isn't right, we can discuss potential changes. Open communication ensures we align the coaching with your needs.

12. What is my investment in the program?

Your investment varies based on the coaching package, reflecting its length and intensity. Before we begin, we'll discuss the financial commitment, so you're comfortable and clear about the terms.

13. Can I discuss issues with you between sessions?

Yes, while I can't offer round-the-clock availability, I provide ample support between sessions. We'll set communication expectations from the start.

14. How is confidentiality handled?

Your privacy is of utmost importance. Rest assured, our conversations are held in the strictest confidence, providing you a safe space to grow.

15. What is the refund policy?

If you feel the coaching services aren't meeting your needs, please talk to me. We can explore a fair refund policy that considers the journey's value and the efforts we've both invested.

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Sandy Bartlett Coaching

3298 N Glassford Hill Rd

Ste 104 PMB 1016

Prescott Valley, AZ 86314